Below is a SlideShare of today’s #RNchat, organized in chronological order (from beginning of chat to sometime just after). Today’s topics were Online Boundaries and Nursing Humor.You can download the file or view it in Full Screen mode as a slide show:
Today’s chat turned out to be a lot fun. As always, thank you to those who joined today. If you’re new to #RNchat, just follow @RNchat on Twitter and we’ll provide updates and links on how to make the best use of this nursing chat. You can also send inquires to info [at] RNchat [dot] org.Oh, and if you’re a recruiter or marketer who mistakenly believes that Interruption Marketing works in the 21st Century, you’ll find that the cost of spamming these conversations isn’t worth the candle. One of you found that out today. Recruiting and marketing have their places on Twitter but they belong to those who are remarkable at what they do and who know the difference between conversation and broadcasting.